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Instant Pot Roundup for February

Hello Instant Pot friends! I hope you had a great February.

My love for the Instant Pot continued this month and I’m still amazed at how much this one appliance has improved our family dinners. In reality, it’s probably because I’m trying a bunch of new stuff but the speed at which the pressure cooker works definitely makes a huge difference. I’m finding that without the prospect of spending hours at the stove, I’m making meals that I would have otherwise avoided.

Here’s what I tried this month. You can still find last month’s yummy’s here.

Instant Pot Soups

My family loves soup all-year-round so I’m pretty sure I’ll always have at least one or two to share. Early in the month I made Zuppa Toscana, which is a replica of a soup served at The Olive Garden (we don’t have one close by so I can’t verify that.. you’ll have to let me know!). I’m pretty sure this will top my list of all-time favourite soups. SO GOOD. I’ve made it twice so far and will likely make it again this week. Yup, that good. The second soup was a simple Cauliflower Potato that was nothing out of the ordinary but a good basic recipe to have in my back pocket, especially with the addition of cheese and bacon. Bacon!!

Instant Pot Stew

I can’t believe it took my so long but I finally got around to making a Beef Stew and it was perfect. The pressure cooker left the meat tender and the flavours well blended, without making the veggies mushy. The fact that I may have added a bit more red wine than called for may have had something to do with it 😉

I’m so sorry I forgot to take a picture. I blame the wine… haha. But I promise it looked like all the other beef stews you’ve seen before, including the one in the link.

Instant Pot International Dishes

The quickness of the Instant Pot really comes in handy here because I never would have made these dishes before, simply because I hate making rice. I don’t like rice or pasta in general but I still wanted to give these a shot because the rest of my family does. I haven’t had Butter Chicken in a really long time but I think this was pretty awesome. Even better, it made extra sauce to freeze for another time when I need a quick meal. Served with a super easy Sticky Rice, this was a wholesome and slightly spicy dish the family loved.

They also really enjoyed this Jambalaya, even though I wasn’t a huge fan of this dish myself. I just don’t like green peppers so that killed it for me but apparently you can replace green peppers with poblano peppers to avoid that sweet pepper taste but still get the green crunch. I’ll likely try it again sometime.

Our favourite of the month however were these fantastic Pineapple Chicken Tacos. I can’t even describe how good these were, especially with the pineapple-pomegranate salsa and fresh sliced avacodo. So yummy. I left the spice out this time (again, not a fan of the peppers) but I’ll figure out a way to add some heat next time I make this.

So far, I’ve yet to make anything my family didn’t enjoy!! Fingers crossed that trend continues into March. If you have a recipe you think I should try, please post it I the comments below.

Happy cooking!!!

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